嵌套 Base64 解码后的脚本
# Encrypted by Rangga Fajar Oktariansyah (Anak Gabut Thea)
# This file has been encrypted with BZip2 Shell Exec <
# The filename '
2endip.sh' encrypted at Fri Jan 19 07:09:45 UTC 2024
# I try invoking the compressed executable with the original name
# (for programs looking at their name). We also try to retain the original
# file permissions on the compressed file. For safety reasons, bzsh will
# not create setuid or setgid shell scripts.
# WARNING: the first line of this file must be either : or #!/bin/bash
# The : is required for some old versions of csh.
# On Ultrix, /bin/bash is too buggy, change the first line to: #!/bin/bash5
# Don't forget to follow me on <
tab=' '
IFS=" $tab$nl"
# Make sure important variables exist if not already defined
# $USER is defined by login(1) which is not always executed (e.g. containers)
https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695299/utilities/id.htmlUSER=${USER:-$(id -u -n)}
# $HOME is defined at the time of login, but it could be unset. If it is unset,
# a tilde by itself (~) will not be expanded to the current user's home directory.
https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009696899/basedefs/xbd_chap08.html#tag_08_03HOME="${HOME:-$(getent passwd $USER 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f6)}"
# macOS does not have getent, but this works even if $HOME is unset
HOME="${HOME:-$(eval echo ~$USER)}"
umask 77
trap 'res=$?
test -n "$bztmpdir" && rm -fr "$bztmpdir"
(exit $res); exit $res
' 0 1 2 3 5 10 13 15
case $TMPDIR in
/ | */tmp/) test -d "$TMPDIR" && test -w "$TMPDIR" && test -x "$TMPDIR" || TMPDIR=$HOME/.cache/; test -d "$HOME/.cache" && test -w "$HOME/.cache" && test -x "$HOME/.cache" || mkdir "$HOME/.cache";;
*/tmp) TMPDIR=$TMPDIR/; test -d "$TMPDIR" && test -w "$TMPDIR" && test -x "$TMPDIR" || TMPDIR=$HOME/.cache/; test -d "$HOME/.cache" && test -w "$HOME/.cache" && test -x "$HOME/.cache" || mkdir "$HOME/.cache";;
*:* | *) TMPDIR=$HOME/.cache/; test -d "$HOME/.cache" && test -w "$HOME/.cache" && test -x "$HOME/.cache" || mkdir "$HOME/.cache";;
if type mktemp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
bztmpdir=`mktemp -d "${TMPDIR}bztmpXXXXXXXXX"`
bztmpdir=${TMPDIR}bztmp$$; mkdir $bztmpdir
fi || { (exit 127); exit 127; }
case $0 in
-* | */*'
') mkdir -p "$bztmp" && rm -r "$bztmp";;
*/*) bztmp=$bztmpdir/`basename "$0"`;;
esac || { (exit 127); exit 127; }
case `printf 'X\n' | tail -n +1 2>/dev/null` in
X) tail_n=-n;;
*) tail_n=;;
if tail $tail_n +$skip <"$0" | bzip2 -cd > "$bztmp"; then
umask $umask
chmod 700 "$bztmp"
(sleep 5; rm -fr "$bztmpdir") 2>/dev/null &
"$bztmp" ${1+"$@"}; res=$?
printf >&2 '%s\n' "Cannot decompress ${0##*/}"
printf >&2 '%s\n' "Report bugs to <
[email protected]>."
(exit 127); res=127
fi; exit $res
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